Dayung Fesyen Ke Hulu / Row Fashion Upstream

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Dayung Fesyen Ke Hulu, which means "Row Fashion Upstream", aims to explore the future trajectory of retail and the fashion industry within the heritage district of Kampong Glam, Singapore. Focusing on Arab Street, a historic textile street, the objective is to shift from conventional physical retail spaces towards a collaborative, community-focused fashion innovation hub. This adaptive reuse aims to position the area as a nucleus for a future-ready, local, sustainable fashion industry, emphasising research, design, production, and supply.

Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design

Mahirah Firzanah Binte Sulaiman

I'm a music lover who balances the demands of the design industry by expressing my emotions through traditional and modern performing arts. Through research, I have an eye for detail and work meticulously on my assigned projects. My aspiration of owning a woodworking workshop reflects my belief in thinking with one's hands for ideas and neural connections when designing personal and intergenerational spaces. My design philosophy centres on the prioritising processes and a deep understanding of the end users, ensuring that spaces retain their original meaning and historical significance. I advocate for creating environments that foster human interaction and address visible and hidden needs. Through the exploration of intricate concepts, I strive to articulate versatile spaces that seamlessly accommodate multi-functional use, both indoors and outdoors.

Key Skills

Effective team player
Critical thinker and problem solver
Strong communicator