
Life On Land

Foliage is more than a greenhouse—it's a beacon of hope. Endangered national plants find refuge and care, each leaf symbolising our heritage. Foliage isn't just a sanctuary; it's a promise to nurture these plants back into the wild, preserving our nation's biodiversity. With a café, Foliage aims to attract youths, encouraging them to volunteer and educate themselves on life on land. Overall, it's a place where the past meets the future, ensuring that generations will understand these plants' importance.

Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design

Chen Meiling

In a world where we cannot live without technology, I integrate both design and technology in my projects. I am also passionate about futuristic designs, which often emphasise adaptability and flexibility to accommodate evolving needs and technologies over time. By blending innovation with sustainability, I strive to create buildings that look to the future and contribute positively to it.

Key Skills

Effective communicator
Analytical and a problem solver