Your House Downstairs

No Hunger

Your House Downstairs is a project that effortlessly fuses the sophistication of a black-and-white house with a Chinese-style coffee shop, incorporating modern elements. Prioritising zero hunger, we utilise 'ugly foods' and garden produce to craft diverse, sustainable cuisines, minimising food waste. Integrating a community garden in planters, we offer tailored therapeutic activities for the elderly, including a bird singing corner and spaces for coffee enjoyment and chess, fostering wellbeing and harmony within the space.

Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design

Janelle Liew Elynn

I am passionate about creating spaces that combine aesthetic charm with practical functionality. My design philosophy involves merging elements of past eras with modern design principles to revive historic landmarks and provide users with serene private spaces. This approach fosters stronger bonds between individuals and cultivates a deeper connection to our roots while also promoting collaboration to reduce food waste.

Key Skills

Creative problem-solver
Effective project management