Please refer to FAQ “When will I receive my award money?” for expected payment date.
Please ensure that you have either a registered bank account with us, or submitted an authorisation for us to pay you via PayNow using your NRIC number here.
After the expected payment date, you may find the disbursement detail and other course fees related financial information using TP Oei with the following instructions.
Under Resources tab, scroll down to Financial Matters and click on Student Finance Enquiry. You will be prompted to log in. After you have logged in, you may use the menu below to find the relevant information.
a. Payment Status – For the selected semester’s fees billing, settlement, and disbursement information.
b. GIRO Application Status -> For Refund – For the registered GIRO bank account. In the event that there is no registered bank account, the award would be disbursed to the bank account registered with PayNow using your NRIC number.