E-Resources & Services
New Books/E-Books
Browse new book and e-book titles recently added to the library collection.
TP Archives
The TP Archives is a central repository containing materials of historical value that chronicle the origin, growth and development of TP. The collection is organised, digitised and accessible online. Past year exam papers are also available on TP Archives.
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Email: asklib@tp.edu.sg
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Facilities & Collections
View our floor directory to locate our facilities & collections.
Book the Hubs, Pods and Presentation Room located at the Group Study Zones (Levels 4-5) for group discussions, or head to the Self-Study Zones (Levels 6-8) for quiet individual study areas. Play board games with your friends at Level 3.
Explore the library’s rich collection of physical and digital materials! These range from audio-visuals to print books and periodicals. The library also subscribes to a range of e-resources and software to support teaching and learning.

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