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FAQ on Recognition of Prior Learning

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

RPL refers to the recognition of learning and competencies acquired or currently held by individuals. The learning and competencies may be attained through formal and informal training, education or work experiences and recognition is given based on assessment of evidence submitted against endorsed industry or company competency standards.

Who can apply via RPL pathway?

Who can apply via RPL pathway?

RPL is for working adults who have significant work experience and prior learning to apply for admission to any participating RPL courses when they do not meet the minimum entry requirement and/or for purpose of subject exemption where applicable.

When can I submit the RPL application?

When can I submit the RPL application?

You can submit the RPL application at the same time when you apply to enroll into your preferred course provided it is a participating RPL course. Please refer to this flowchart.

What sort of supporting evidence do I need to provide during the RPL application?

What sort of supporting evidence do I need to provide during the RPL application?

When you approach the Polytechnic, you will be provided a list of appropriate evidence specific to the course. Some examples include the following:

  • Industry Certification (eg. CAAS, CISCO)
  • Certificates of Learning (eg. Company in-house training, ITE Certification, Poly CET module certification, WSQ Certification, MOOCs, Online modular assessments)
  • Employer References (eg. Letter of recommendation or sponsorship)
  • Interviews & Portfolio Examinations (eg. Proof of projects involvement) 

In some cases, you may be required to attend an interview or take an assessment test.  

Will there be fees chargeable in the RPL application?

Will there be fees chargeable in the RPL application?

An administrative fee may be chargeable for RPL applications and evaluation (eg. preliminary test for admission or required assessments for subject/module exemption). The fees chargeable will not be refundable to applicants upon payment made. The details for fees administration will be specified in the participating course webpage.

What is the possible outcome if my RPL application is successful?

What is the possible outcome if my RPL application is successful?

The successful RPL outcome will be one of the following:

  • Course admission
  • Course admission with subject/module exemption
  • Course admission with subject/module credit transfer

When will I be informed of the outcome of my RPL application?

When will I be informed of the outcome of my RPL application?

Applicants will be informed typically about 2 months after application closing deadline.