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Admission & Finance

How would I be informed of the fees payable and the fee due date?

How would I be informed of the fees payable and the fee due date?

The Polytechnic will send the tax invoice and fee payable statement to your TP student email account at least 2 weeks before the fee due date. An announcement will be made through TP Oei to inform you that tax invoice and fee payable statement are available for retrieval in the TP Oei through a mobile device. You may then request your tax invoice for course fees and fee payable statement in pdf format to be sent to your TP student email account.

The mode of payment to settle the fee payable will be shown on the fee payable statement. If you have an approved GIRO arrangement with the Polytechnic, the last 3 digits of your authorised bank account for deduction and the deduction date will be shown on the statement. 

If I have applied for Financial Scheme (FS), do I still need to pay fees using my own funds?

If I have applied for Financial Scheme (FS), do I still need to pay fees using my own funds?

You are required to pay the fees using your own funds (eg. Interbank GIRO or AXS) if:

  1. any of your Financial Scheme application is still pending approval when fee is due; or
  2. your Financial Scheme(s) application is unsuccessful; or
  3. your approved Financial Scheme(s) payment is insufficient to settle the fees; or
  4. you have not applied PSEA to settle Other Fees

Do I need to apply for Interbank Giro and where can I find more details on this?

Do I need to apply for Interbank Giro and where can I find more details on this?

Yes, you are required to apply for GIRO which is an easy and convenient way for students to pay fees to or receive payment from the Polytechnic. All students are expected to have GIRO arrangement with the Polytechnic. Further details can be found in the Interbank GIRO Application.

All students are expected to have GIRO arrangement with the Polytechnic.

What mode of payment can I use to settle my fees?

What mode of payment can I use to settle my fees?

Besides GIRO, payment can be made:

  1. Via the AXS e-station at  or via the AXS m-Station using your mobile and tablet devices by downloading the AXS app;
    Select eServices > Education > Temasek Polytechnic > Payment for Invoice/Payment Request

  2. Via AXS stations located island-wide;
    Select Education > Temasek Polytechnic > Payment for Invoice/Payment Request

What should I do if I have financial difficulties in paying my fees?

What should I do if I have financial difficulties in paying my fees?

Full time students are allowed to tap on financial scheme(s) to settle school fees. You may want to explore the option of settling your fees by using the financial scheme(s) available if there is a need. Please refer here for more details on the financial scheme(s). If you have explored all available financial schemes and still require financial assistance, please contact Student Finance Enquiry

Will I receive official receipt for GIRO deduction?

Will I receive official receipt for GIRO deduction?

No receipt will be issued for GIRO deduction.

How will my fees be affected if my citizenship changes before term start?

How will my fees be affected if my citizenship changes before term start?

Fees are chargeable based on student’s citizenship as at 1st day of semester concerned as per the student record maintained by the Polytechnic. You have to inform the Polytechnic latest by the 1st day of the semester if there is a change of your citizenship after enrolment. Please refer to change of citizenship procedure stated in the enrolment guide.

There shall be no adjustment for difference of fees for current semester.

Why do I need to apply for Interbank GIRO (GIRO)?

Why do I need to apply for Interbank GIRO (GIRO)?

GIRO is an easy and convenient way for students to pay fees to or receive payment from the Polytechnic. All students are expected to have GIRO arrangement with the Polytechnic.

Application for GIRO arrangement authorises the Polytechnic to deduct the fees payable by you directly from your authorised bank account through GIRO. It also serves as your standing instruction to the Polytechnic to pay all monies due to you (if applicable) to the same bank account, unless a separate instruction is given to us.

Whose bank account can be used for GIRO?

Whose bank account can be used for GIRO?

Either student’s or parent’s / guardian’s savings / current account with any one of the GIRO participating banks can be used.

Is the arrangement to pay by GIRO for my secondary school fees still valid for paying the Polytechnic's student fees?

Is the arrangement to pay by GIRO for my secondary school fees still valid for paying the Polytechnic's student fees?

No, you have to fill up a new application form to authorise your bank to pay to Temasek Polytechnic.

Can trustee’s account or fixed deposit account be used for GIRO?

Can trustee’s account or fixed deposit account be used for GIRO?

No, only saving or current account can be used.

How do I apply for GIRO for DBS/POSB account holder?

How do I apply for GIRO for DBS/POSB account holder?

If you are a new student enrolled to the Polytechnic in this semester, you are required to set up the GIRO arrangement at the point of your enrolment.

You may set up GIRO arrangement simply by following the steps below:

  • DBS/POSB account holders to log in to DBS/POSB iBanking
  • Select Pay (Bills and Cards) and click on “Add GIRO Arrangement”
  • Select “Temasek Polytechnic” under Billing Organisation.
  • Enter your Student Admission Number under Bill Reference Number and proceed to submit the application. The last character in your admission number must be in CAPS i.e. 25XXXXXA. Otherwise, you are required to re-submit your GIRO application.

1.  Incorrect or incomplete online application will not be processed.

2.  Students are to check the GIRO record updated by the Polytechnic under Finance Enquiry with TP Oei.

How do I apply for GIRO for non-DBS/POSB account holder?

How do I apply for GIRO for non-DBS/POSB account holder?

If you are a new student enrolled to the Polytechnic in this semester, you are required to submit the compulsory forms Application for Interbank GIRO Form (PDF: 86KB) together with your enrolment forms.

If you are an existing student, you can download the form from Application for Interbank GIRO Form (PDF: 86KB) and submit the duly completed form either by mail to Student Finance & Collection, Finance Department, Temasek Polytechnic, 21 Tampines Ave 1, Singapore 529757 or deposit in the “Finance” drop-in box outside Student Services.

Before submission, please read the important notes stated on the form carefully and note that if your authorised bank account is :

  • operated by signature
    • to sign as per the specimen signature(s) maintained at the bank. 
    • for joint accounts where 2 signatures are required, both account holders are to sign on the application form.
  • operated by thumbprint
    • the bank account holder has to visit the bank personally to obtain the bank's verification on the thumbprint and endorsement on the application form.

If my Financial Scheme is approved and the Financial Scheme Organisation pays to the Polytechnic after I have paid my fees, how will I get the refund from the Polytechnic?

If my Financial Scheme is approved and the Financial Scheme Organisation pays to the Polytechnic after I have paid my fees, how will I get the refund from the Polytechnic?

Upon receipt of the fund from the Financial Scheme Organisation, the Polytechnic will work out the excess amount you have paid and refund it to your approved GIRO account.

Can I use correction fluid to amend my GIRO application form?

Can I use correction fluid to amend my GIRO application form?

No, you are NOT allowed to use correction fluid to make amendments on the application form. Error should be crossed out neatly and amendments should be written next to it. For all errors, the account holder has to sign beside the amendment as per specimen signatures maintained with the bank.

As I am a new International student not residing in Singapore, I do not have any bank account in Singapore, do I still need to submit the GIRO application form?

As I am a new International student not residing in Singapore, I do not have any bank account in Singapore, do I still need to submit the GIRO application form?

Yes, please open a bank account with a GIRO participating bank in Singapore after you have arrived, and your student pass application is approved by the Government of Singapore. After opening the bank account, please refer to the above instructions on Interbank GIRO application. For submission of hardcopy GIRO application form, deposit the form in the “Finance” drop box outside Student Services by 30 April 2025. The form will be submitted for bank processing. If it is approved, the approved GIRO account will be shown on the fee payable statement which can be retrieved from TP Oei.

How do I know which bank account my fees will be deducted from?

How do I know which bank account my fees will be deducted from?

You can view your full bank account details at TP Oei through a mobile device. If the bank account is not approved, you will have to pay your fees by one of the payment modes mentioned under Fees Payment and Enquiries: What mode of payment can I use to settle my fees.

Can I change or terminate my GIRO arrangement after the application?

Can I change or terminate my GIRO arrangement after the application?


  1. For DBS/POSB approved GIRO accounts, you may submit the termination by logging in to DBS/POSB iBanking.
    For non DBS/POSB approved GIRO accounts, please submit your termination at

  2. If you wish to use another bank account for your GIRO arrangement, you have to:
    1. terminate the current GIRO arrangement (please refer to item (a) above)
    2. submit a new application through DBS/POSB iBanking for DBS/POSB account holders or a new 'Application for interbank GIRO' form in by the 1st week of the semester. 

The new application will supersede the existing GIRO arrangement once approved by the bank.

The 'Application for interbank GIRO' form can be downloaded below under Student Finance & Collection.

Do NOT change your GIRO arrangement for fee deduction as shown on the fee payable statement as it will not be in time for the Polytechnic to stop the fee deduction from your bank account for that semester.

When will my GIRO arrangement be effective for GIRO deduction of school fees?

When will my GIRO arrangement be effective for GIRO deduction of school fees?

Your GIRO application is only effective when the statement 'The amount payable will be deducted from bank account ... on dd/mm/yyyy' appears on your fee payable statement. SMS received from your bank is not a confirmation of GIRO arrangement as school may only receive the confirmation after fee payable statement is generated. The GIRO arrangement confirmed by the bank after the fee payable statement is generated will be effected from next semester onwards.

When must I get ready the funds in my bank account for GIRO deduction?

When must I get ready the funds in my bank account for GIRO deduction?

Please ensure sufficient fund balance in your bank account on fee deduction date as shown on the fee payable statement. No receipt will be issued for GIRO deduction.

If my GIRO deduction is unsuccessful due to insufficient fund, will the Polytechnic try to deduct it through GIRO again?

If my GIRO deduction is unsuccessful due to insufficient fund, will the Polytechnic try to deduct it through GIRO again?

No, there is only ONE GIRO deduction for each semester. If GIRO deduction is unsuccessful, you may make payment by one of the payment modes mentioned below under Fees Payment and Enquiries: What mode of payment can I use to settle my fees.

Do I need to cancel my GIRO authorisation if I withdraw from my course of study?

Do I need to cancel my GIRO authorisation if I withdraw from my course of study?

Yes, you are required to cancel your GIRO authorisation with your bank if you withdraw from your course of study.

How do you judge the scale of an event? Is an organiser of an Interest Group BBQ equivalent to an organiser of a concert?

How do you judge the scale of an event? Is an organiser of an Interest Group BBQ equivalent to an organiser of a concert?

Some considerations in judging the scale of events include the number of participants, the profile of the invited guests, the impact of the event and the magnitude of the event, i.e. poly-wide, nation-wide, diploma-wide, class.

Can students submit the nomination form themselves?

Can students submit the nomination form themselves?

No, only CCA advisors can submit the nominations via the prescribed nomination forms. Those submitted directly by the nominees are deemed as not supported by TP staff, and will hence not be accepted.

Can a TP staff be nominated for the Outstanding Coach/Instructor Award?

Can a TP staff be nominated for the Outstanding Coach/Instructor Award?

No, this award is only applicable to an external, officially-appointed TP coach or instructor.