2017 Polytechnic Graduates in Good Demand


Singapore, 12 January 2018 – The Graduate Employment Survey (GES), jointly conducted by the five polytechnics in 2017, showed that polytechnic graduates continue to be in demand in the job market.


The overall employment rate six months after graduation was at 87.3% (86.4% for fresh graduates, and 89.8% for post-NS graduates).  Although there was a decline from 2016, employment rate remains healthy.  The decline is partly due to year-on-year changes in labour market and economic conditions, and preferences of students upon graduation.  Involuntary part-time/temporary work and unemployment remained low (see Table 1 below).

Table 1: Employment Rate (%) of Respondents

Note: Employment rate figures may not add up due to rounding off.


[1]  The overall employment rate refers to the number of graduates working in full-time permanent, part-time, temporary and freelance employment, as a proportion of graduates in the labour force (i.e. those who were working or not working but actively looking and available for work).


[2]  Please see the list of definitions of the employment indicators in the Appendix.


For those in full-time permanent employment , the overall median gross monthly  salary for all graduates was $2,235 in 2017, comparable to that in 2016.

Among the full-time permanently employed respondents, both fresh graduates and post-NS graduates from the Health Sciences category earned the highest median gross monthly salary. This is similar to 2016 (see Table 2 below).

Table 2: Median Gross Monthly Salary of Graduates

Fresh Graduates
10,151 out of 13,412 fresh graduates responded to the survey as at 1 Oct 2017, around six months after the completion of their final examinations.

86.4% of the respondents who were in the labour force (i.e. those who were working or not working but actively looking and available for work) found employment in 2017. Among those in the labour force, 52.8% secured full-time permanent employment, while 30.9% were on part-time/temporary employment . 2.8% of fresh graduates in the labour force were working on a freelance basis  (see Table 1). The majority of fresh graduates on part-time/temporary/freelance employment were doing so because they were pursuing or preparing to commence further studies.

[3] Full-time permanent employment refers to employment of at least 35 hours a week and where the   employment is not temporary.  It includes those on contracts of one year or more.


[4]  Gross Monthly Salary comprises basic salary, fixed allowances, over-time pay, commissions, and other regular cash payments, before deduction of the employee’s CPF contributions and personal income tax. Employer’s CPF contributions, bonuses, stock options, other lump sum payments and payments-in-kind are excluded.


[5] Appendix II lists all diploma courses under each course category.


[6] Part-time Employment refers to employment of less than 35 hours a week. Temporary Employment refers to casual, interim or seasonal employment, including those on contracts of less than one year.


[7] Freelance Employment refers to those who operate their own business without employing any paid worker in the conduct of their business or trade.


The median gross monthly salary among fresh graduates in full-time permanent employment was $2,200, up from $2,180 in 2016 (see Table 1).


Post-National Service Graduates

5,022 out of 9,000 graduates from 2014 who completed their full-time NS between 1 Apr 2016 and 31 Mar 2017 also took part in the 2017 GES.


As at 1 Oct 2017, 89.8% of the respondents who were in the labour force found employment. Among those in the labour force, 64.0% secured full-time permanent employment, while 17.7% were on part-time/temporary employment. 8.1% of post-NS graduates who were in the labour force were working on a freelance basis (see Table 1). Similar to fresh graduates, the majority of post-NS graduates had chosen to take up part-time/temporary/freelance employment because they were pursuing or preparing to commence further studies.

The median gross monthly salary of respondents who were post-NS graduates in full-time permanent employment was $2,480, a slight decline from $2,517 in 2016 (see Table 1).


Longer-Term Trends

Sharing the Committee’s observations over the years, a spokesperson from the 2017 GES Committee said, “We are seeing more polytechnic graduates choosing not to look for a job and instead, pursue further studies. In 2017, 64.8% of fresh graduate respondents were in the labour force. This is a drop of more than 10% from 2008. For those who choose to work, more are opting for flexible work arrangements such as being freelancers, or work part-time while they pursue other interests concurrently.  Many are also making preparations to start their own business.  This is a larger trend, and increasingly we need to have a deeper understanding of graduates’ preferences and aspirations when looking at these data.  That is one of the reasons why we are changing the format of presentation this year.’”


Media Release Issued by


Nanyang Polytechnic
Ms Wong Cuiyan
Communications & Outreach
Tel: 6550 0246/ 9764 4034
Email: wong_cuiyan@nyp.edu.sg


Other Media Contacts:



Overall Employment Rate refers to the number of graduates working in full-time permanent, part-time, temporary and freelance employment, as a proportion of graduates in the labour force (i.e. those who were working or not working but actively looking and available for work).


Full-time Permanent Employment refers to employment of at least 35 hours a week and where the employment is not temporary.  It includes those on contracts of one year or more.


Part-time Employment refers to employment of less than 35 hours a week.


Temporary Employment refers to casual, interim or seasonal employment, including those on contracts of less than one year.


Freelance Employment refers to those who operate their own business without employing any paid worker in the conduct of their business or trade.


Gross Monthly Salary comprises basic salary, fixed allowances, over-time pay, commissions and other regular cash payments, before deduction of the employee’s CPF contributions and personal income tax. Employer’s CPF contributions, bonuses, stock options, other lump sum payments and payments-in-kind are excluded.


Involuntary part-time/temporary employment refers to those who indicated that they were in part-time/temporary employment as they tried but were unable to find a full-time permanent job.


Voluntary part-time/temporary employment refers to those who indicated that they were in part-time/temporary employment as they were pursuing/ preparing to commence further studies, taking active steps to start a business venture, due to personal choice and other reasons.




Applied Chemistry with Materials Science; Materials Science (RP,SP)

Applied Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Science; Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology (NYP,SP)

Applied Food Science & Nutrition; Food Science & Nutrition; Food Science & Technology (NYP,SP,TP)

Baking & Culinary Science (TP)

Biologics & Process Technology (NYP)

Biomedical Lab Technology; Biomedical Science; Biomedical Sciences (NP,RP,SP,TP)

Biotechnology; Molecular Biotechnology (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Chemical & Green Technology (NYP)

Consumer Science & Technology (TP)

Environmental Science (RP)

Horticulture & Landscape Management; Landscape Design & Horticulture (NP)

Marine Science and Aquaculture (RP)

Medicinal Chemistry (NYP)

Nutrition, Health & Wellness (SP)

Perfumery & Cosmetic Science (SP)

Pharmaceutical Science; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmacy Science (NYP,NP,RP,TP)

Veterinary Bioscience; Veterinary Technology (NP,TP)



3D Interactive Media Technology; Interactive Media Technology (TP)

Aeronautical & Aerospace Technology; Aeronautical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Aerospace Technology (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Aerospace Avionics; Aerospace Electronics; Aerospace Systems and Management (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Architecture (SP)

Audio-Visual Technology (NP)

Automation & Mechatronic Systems; Mechatronic Engineering; Mechatronics; Mechatronics & Robotics; Mechatronics Engineering (NYP,NP,SP,TP)

Aviation Management; Aviation Management & Services; Civil Aviation (RP,TP)

Bioengineering; Biomedical Electronics; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Informatics & Engineering (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Business Process & Systems Engineering; Industrial and Operations Management (RP,TP]

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Chemical Engineering (NP,SP,TP)

Civil Engineering with Business (SP)

Clean Energy; Clean Energy Management; Energy System and Management; Renewable Energy Engineering (NP,RP,SP,TP)

Computer Engineering (SP]

Computer Engineering; Electronics; Electronic & Computer Engineering; Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering; Media & Communication Technology; Microelectronics (NYP,NP,TP)

Digital & Precision Engineering (NYP)

Digital Entertainment Electronics (RP)

Electrical & Electronic Engineering (RP)

Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Electrical Engineering with Eco-Design (NYP,NP,SP)

Engineering Science (NP)

Engineering Systems (SP)

Engineering with Business (NYP,SP)

Environmental & Water Technology; Environmental Management & Water Technology (NP,SP)

Green Building & Sustainability (TP)

Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management; Integrated Facility Management; Leisure & Business Facilities Management (NP,SP,TP)

Infocomm & Network Engineering; Info-Communication Engineering & Design; Info-Communications (SP,TP)

Landscape Architecture (SP)

Manufacturing Engineering (NYP)

Marine & Offshore Technology (NP)

Marine Engineering (SP)

Mechanical Engineering (NP,SP)

Micro and Nanotechnology; Nanotechnology & Materials Science (NYP,RP)

Multimedia & InfoComm Technology; Telematics & Media Technology (NYP)

Product Design & Innovation (NP)

Real Estate Business (NP)

Supply Chain Management (RP)

Sustainable Urban Design & Engineering (NP)



Accountancy; Accountancy & Finance; Accounting & Finance (NYP,NP,SP,TP)

Advertising & Public Relations; Communications & Media Management; Communication and information Design; Mass Communication; Mass Media Management; Media and Communication; Media Production and Design; New Media (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Animation; Animation & 3D Arts; Digital Animation; Digital Film & Television; Digital Media Design (Animation); Digital Visual Effects; Film, Sound & Video; Motion Graphics & Broadcast Design; Moving Images; Visual Effects; Visual Effects & Motion Graphics (NYP,NP,SP,TP)

Apparel Design & Merchandising (TP)

Applied Drama & Psychology (SP)

Arts and Theatre Management; Arts Business Management; Technology and Arts Management (NP,RP)


Banking & Financial Services; Banking & Finance (NYP,NP,SP)

Business and Social Enterprise (NP)

Business Informatics; Business Information Technology (NYP,NP,TP)

Business Innovation & Design (SP)

Business; Business Administration; Business Management; Business Studies; International Business (NYP,NP,SP,TP)

Child Psychology & Early Education; Early Childhood Education; Early Childhood Studies (NP,TP)

Chinese Media & Communication; Chinese Studies (NP)

Communication Design; Visual Communication; Visual Communication & Media Design (NYP,SP,TP)

Consumer Behaviour & Research (RP)

Creative Writing for TV & New Media (SP)

Culinary & Catering Management; Food & Beverage Business; Restaurant and Culinary Operations (NYP,RP,TP)

Customer Relationship and Service Management (RP)

Design for Interactivity; Digital Media Design (Interaction Design); Interaction Design (NYP,RP)

Digital Game Art & Design; Digital Media Design (Games); Game Design; Game Design & Development (NYP,RP,SP)

Environment Design (TP)

Experience & Product Design (SP)

Financial Informatics (NYP,SP)

Fund Management & Administration (NYP)

Gerontological Management Studies (TP)

Hospitality & Tourism Management; Hotel and Hospitality Management; Integrated Events & Project Management; Integrated Events Management; Leisure & Resort Management; Tourism & Resort Management (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Human Resource Management with Psychology (RP,SP)

Industrial Design; Product & Industrial Design (NYP,TP)

Interactive Media Design (TP)

Interior Architecture & Design; Interior Design; Retail & Hospitality Design; Space & Interior Design (NYP,SP,TP)

International Logistics & Supply Chain Management; International Supply Chain Management; Logistics & Operations Management; Logistics Management (NP,TP)

Law & Management (TP)

Maritime Business (SP)

Marketing; Retail Management (NYP,TP)

Nautical studies (SP)

Outdoor and Adventure Learning (RP)

Psychology & Community Services; Psychology Studies (NP,TP)

Social Enterprise Management; Social Sciences (Social Work) (NYP,RP)

Sport & Wellness Management; Sports & Leisure Management (NYP,RP)

Sports Coaching (RP)

Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management (RP)



Dental Hygiene & Therapy (NYP)

Diagnostic Radiography; Radiation Therapy (NYP)

Health Management and Promotion; Healthcare Administration (RP)

Health Sciences (Nursing); Nursing (NYP,NP)

Occupational Therapy (NYP)

Optometry (NP,SP)

Physiotherapy (NYP)

Sports & Exercise Sciences (RP)



Business Applications; Business Information Systems; Business Information Technology (RP,SP)

Business Enterprise IT (NYP)

Business Intelligence & Analytics (NYP, TP)

Cyber & Digital Security; Digital Forensics; Infocomm Security Management; Information Security; Network Systems and Security (NYP,NP,SP,TP)

Digital Entertainment Technology (Games); Game & Entertainment Technology; Game Design & Development; Game Development & Technology (NYP, TP)

Digital Media; Interactive & Digital Media; Multimedia & Animation (NP,RP,SP)

Digital Visual Effects (NYP)

Engineering Informatics (NYP)

Financial Business Informatics; Financial Informatics (NP,TP)

Information Technology (NYP,NP,RP,SP,TP)

Interactive Media Informatics (TP)

IT Service Management (RP)

Mobile & Network Services (TP)

Mobile Software Development (RP)

Music & Audio Technology; Sonic Arts (RP,SP)