Introduction to key ingredients in chocolate making.
Lecture on chocolate making techniques:
Melting techniques
3 types of chocolate tempering
Discussion on functionalities of basic ingredients.
Chocolate Truffle Demo:
Coffee truffle
Passionfruit truffle
Cointreau truffle
Coconut pandan truffle
Demonstration on chocolate finishing & decoration
Hands-on Chocolate making by students
Tasting & Evaluation
Students attending should wear covered shoes, long hair should be tied up. Short sleeves are advised. They need to understand the safety and sanitation aspects in the kitchen. (Work environment safety)
Participants should be well versed:
weights and measures, e.g. grams, kg, etc
how to use basic weighing equipment, e.g. how to tare
how to read a recipe
Participants will be issued with a Certificate of Performance upon meeting 75% of the required course attendance.