From 30 September to 5 October 2019, 25 students and 2 staff from GEM embarked on a study trip to Tokyo, Japan. The group visited a range of senior-centric facilities such as Shin-tomi Nursing Home and NeU Corporation. Students also gave presentations to educators from Social Welfare Department at Teikyo Heisei University.
School of Humanities & Social Sciences Overseas Exposure
Student Internship Programme in Chiang Mai
Five students from the Diploma in Gerontological Management Studies were attached to Vivo bene Village, a Swiss-run Long Stay Care Resort in Chiang Mai, from 12 September 2019 to 12 November 2019. During this overseas internship, the students had the opportunity to work in the nursing and guest care department where they facilitated care and leisure activities under supervision, for guests with dementia and complex care needs.
Study Trip to The Education University of Hong Kong

In April 2019, 20 PSY students and two PSY staff went on a 6-day study trip to Hong Kong. They visited organisations in the social services and special needs sectors – Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Jockey Club Marion Fang Conductive Learning Centre, and Aoi Pui School.
Study Trip to Tokyo, Japan

Overseas Community Project (OCP)

Project Smile is the signature Overseas Community Project (OCP) for HSS. It is organised by the Student Development team in HSS and the HSS Studies Club (HSSSC). They started working with Kampong Kdei (Cambodia) in March 2012 and to date has completed many OCPs with them. It is a long-term relationship as HSSSC aims to make an impact with sustained results. There are 1 to 2 trips made yearly. Please visit here to read up on past trips.