b'USE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN DASParticipative decision making refers to the educators participation in the decision-making processes of their school initiatives. Within DAS, this could refer to deciding on the content of training sessions and how it should be carried out. The presence of formal relationships can also allow educators to communicate and share their experiences with educational technology and teaching. This is especially relevant in Singapore, where much of the educators here are required to collaborate with their colleagues. Lastly, shared vision focuses on the common sentiment of educators in what they aim to achieve and impact. It is important that DAS emphasises the importance of using educational technology to teach their students and ensure that every individual share the same thought.ConclusionIn summary, the research team was able to identify the types of educational technology used and how it has been implemented into DAS curriculum. From our interviews, we have a clear understanding of the adoption process of EduTech in DAS. Despite there being a vast array of different educational platforms and applications, many educators underutilized them. Current pedagogical practices and teaching approaches were reasons that could have hindered the adoption of EduTech. We propose a buddy system, where educators with lower use of EduTech are paired with those of higher usage. This allows for an exchange of ideas and learning opportunities. We also aim to improve organisation culture in hopes that it would boost effective EduTech use. We aim to continue our research study with our proposed survey implementation.7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 10STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'