b'USE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN DASFindingsFrom the interviews conducted, the findings showed that participants were split between high and minimal EduTech users. The factors which prevented ETs from being high users of EduTech were their lack of technological skills, the complexity of the technological tools, and the steep learning curve. Using EduTech became a time-consuming process for ETs still grappling with technology. However, a common trait among the ETs is that technology is selected based on how it can enhance the lesson and cater to the different needs and learning styles of students. ETs were also aware of the various efforts by DAS in promoting the usage of EduTech and majority felt sufficiently supported by the organisation. Despite this, the lack of time and opportunity for exploration widens the gap between learning and effective application. Results also showed that the ETs saw positive student outcomes during HBL, but certain drawbacks came with online learning such as increased distraction and lesser interaction by students.ETs suggested improvements in 2 areas: provision of resources for teachers and students and changes in implementation. This includes making lesson materials readily available, and 1-on-1 in-depth EduTech training. Another suggestion includes creating an online platform to easily access documents.Overall, ETs were satisfied with DAS efforts in promoting the use of EduTech as there were positive impacts on their teaching and interest. However, there was also feedback on the quality and duration of the training sessions. As DAS is embracing a technological approach to education, it is important to accommodate to those who might not be as technologically-savvy. 7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 8STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'