b'Factors Influencing E-WasteRecycling in Singapore E-Waste Collection Drives aims to address the perceived lack of awareness, lack of convenience and is also targeted at people who choose to keep their devices. Collection drives can be held annually to provide a means of recycling e-waste that is near residents homes making them convenient. These drives can be branded as community events, with games and attractive prizes to entice people into participating. Furthermore, data removal services would ease concerns regarding personal dataAwareness Campaigns aims to address the lack of a recycling culture in Singapore. Using public figures to spread awareness on e-waste recycling will foster a conversation amongst people. Furthermore, e-waste recycling education can be included as part of school curricula. Doing so will inculcate the habit of proper e-waste management from young, fostering an e-waste recycling culture.ConclusionThis study explored the various thought processes of people pertaining to how electronics are commonly handled. A multitude of different factors have been identified to encourage the adoption of proper disposal methods for electronics. Ultimately, findings shed some light on the behavioural patterns of e-waste management and can potentially be essential for future implementation of interventions aimed at addressing the issue at hand. 7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 59STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'