b"Factors Influencing E-WasteRecycling in Singapore FindingsParticipants weregenerally unaware of various aspects of e-waste and e-waste recycling. Furthermore, people tend to view recycling e-waste as inconvenient due to the inconsistent placements and design of the bins. The evident lack of recycling culture can also be seen from how people rarely have conversations about recycling, and do not have the habit of recycling their waste from young. Many who adopted the habit said they learnt how to recycle waste overseas. In addition, various reasons as to why people choose to hold on to unused electronics instead of discarding them can be seen above.What Do They Mean?The lack of awareness of e-waste and general recycling can cause misconceptions on how waste is recycled in Singapore. This misconception could lead to a distrust in Singapores recycling system causing people to perceive their recycling efforts to be insignificant. Coupled with the perceived inconvenience of using the existing e-waste bins, this could lead to Singapore's current lack of recycling culture, further perpetuating the issue at hand.7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 57STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021"