b'Using Behavioural Insights to IncreaseFindings Survey Response RatesFindings for each methodology are outlined below: Survey Data Sets: Data analysis of the survey data revealed the optimal time individuals would spend on the survey. FGD: Revealed how events were classified and how the survey requests were solicited only by the full-time staff, and not casual (part-time) staff. Findings from FGD also revealed how the full-timers were trained to obtain survey responses from guests. Observations: Revealed how the full-time staff approach guests, the gestures of the full-time staff, and the reactions of the guests. Findings from Survey Data Sets:The optimal time that individuals will spend on doing a surveyCorporate Survey Wedding SurveyThe average time that guests spend on the survey is 60 seconds (Corporate Surveys) and 3 minutes (Wedding Surveys).Findings from Focus Group Discussions (FGD)Originally, the team classified events as Corporate and Wedding, with Corporate Events being a standing event with a buffet line. However, findings from the FGD revealed that there were seated corporate events as well. Thus, this led to the team re-classifying the events. For both events, the satisfaction surveys are accessed by guests via scanning of a QR code using guests personal mobile devices. Findings from the FGD also revealed that only the full-time staff (FTS) were tasked with the responsibility of asking guests to complete the survey. The standardisedscript used by FTS was limited to key messages and may vary from quarter to quarter. On the contrary, the part-time staff were not required to approach and engage guests to participate in the survey. 537TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIESSTUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'