b'Development of Growth Mindset Resources for Early Childhood Educators Solutions(Figure 5. A snippet from the storybook, featuring the story Power of Yet.)Firstly, the research team developed a storybook that consists of 8 stories that incorporated Growth Mindset characteristics to be used as a teaching material for preschool children. For example, one of the stories shows Jamie who uses phrases demonstrating the growth mindset characteristic of self-improvement, where she believes that she will eventually improve and succeed (Figure 5). The creation of this storybook is based closely on the findings which demonstrated that there is a lack of illustration of growth mindset in the preschool context. Additionally, it is also due to storybooks being used by educators and principals as introductory materials for new concepts and ideas in preschool education.[Figure 6. (Left) The only four[Figure 7. (Right) An characters: Teacher Mindy, example of the 3 follow Jamie, Aden and Tiaraup questions at the end respectively] of each story]The storybook is made to have realistic portrayals with human characters such that it can help children to better link between stories and reality. The storybook is also changed to maintain a similar flow with the same characters (Figure 6), as well as to have simple content with age-appropriate vocabulary and themes to ensure that children can absorb the content well. There will be three follow up questions at the end of each story for educators to ask the children to ensure that children are able to grasp the learning points of each story (Figure 7).7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 79STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'