b'DEVELOPING GRIT CURRICULUM FOR PRIMARY TWO STUDENTSCertain lessons include newly created materials, which can come in the form of presentation slides, templates and even flashcards. Examples of the newly created materials can be seen above.5) Evaluation Guidebook Paints a clearer picture on how to conduct the evaluations. It consists of a timeline of administration (Figure 11), and individual sections for the teachers evaluation, parents/guardians evaluation and primary 2 students evaluation. All sections include 1) Instructions for Administration, 2) Evaluation Form(s) and 3) a Scoring Sheet (Figure 12). Figure 11. Timeline of Administration Fig 12. Scoring SheetFigure 13.Teachers Evaluation Figure 14. Parent/Guardians Evaluation FormFigure 15. Primary 2 Students Evaluation Phrasings of the evaluations were modified accordingly. Snippets of the varying evaluation forms can be seen in Figure 13,14 and 15.ConclusionThis project has contributed to the development of localised materials on grit attributes to supplement the P2 curriculum. The research team hopes to enhance the students mental well-being and academic achievement through the developed materials that promote perseverance and resilience. However, the limitations such as not having the intended population to pilot the materials as well as having a small sample from this pilot project should be considered in the future adoption of the materials.7TH PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES 76STUDENT CONFERENCE 2021'