Agri-Food Diagnostics


Complementing our Agri-Food Technology Cluster, we have developed a whole suite of diagnostic platforms to support the agriculture, aquaculture and food industries. These include an optical immunoassay (OIA) for food pathogens and fish iridovirus; and a high-temperature resolution melting (HRM) multiplex assay for shrimp pathogens and meat speciation.



Medical Diagnostics


TP deploys a multi-disciplinary approach towards the development of BioMEMS (Biomedical micro-electro-mechanical systems) based healthcare devices and systems and continuously grow our research & development (R&D) capabilities in biosensors, microfluidics and wearable healthcare sensors. Projects we have worked on include microfluidics-based point-of-care devices for detection of sepsis and hand foot mouth disease; and a paper-based diagnostic kit for detecting gout and kidney injury markers.

What we can offer

Agri-Food Diagnostics

  • Development of diagnostic platforms and devices for agriculture, aquaculture and food industries
  • Novel multiplex High resolution melting diagnostics platform  
  • Biological testing

Medical Diagnostics

  • Development of BioMEMS (Biomedical micro-electro-mechanical systems) based innovative devices for healthcare applications  
  • Development of biosensors for point-of-care diagnostics 
  • Development of microfluidics based point-of-care device 
  • Wearable sensors development and validation for healthcare applications 
  • Testing and development of anti-viral and anti-bacterial respirators and materials

 Ready to take the next step with us?